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2020-09-30: Mailing lists

Swarm-Support has been disabled for the indefinite future. We've left the Mailman page, including the archives up for spelunking. But new subscriptions and posts have been disabled.

The SDG has donated $10,000 to Northwestern University's Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling (CCL) to support completion and distribution of the NetLogo "Time" extension, which adds discrete event simulation support to NetLogo.

2020-06-08: Reconstituted Board of Directors

The SDG took a break from organizing SwarmFest. A new board has been elected and is planning for the future. Please watch this space for any updates.

Swarmfest 2016: University of Vermont, July 31 – August 3

Swamfest is the annual meeting of the Swarm Development Group (SDG), and one of the oldest communities involved in the development and propagation of agent-based modeling. Swarmfest has traditionally involved a mix of both tool-users and tool-developers, drawn from many domains of expertise. These have included, in the past, computer scientists, software engineers, biomedical researchers, ecologists, economists, political scientists, social scientists, resource management specialists and evolutionary biologists. Swarmfest represents a low-key environment for researchers to explore new ideas and approaches, and benefit from a multi-disciplinary environment.

SwarmFest 2016 will be at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont, USA. Abstracts are now being accepted. For information click here.

New version of Objective-C Swarm for Windows

There is a new binary (and source) release of Swarm that works with MinGW, a compiler that produces Windows executables. Advantages of this new way to use Swarm in Windows:

  • Windows executables can be launched directly from Windows, without needing to launch from inside a Unix-like environment.
  • Swarm models can be distributed for use on any Windows computer, without requiring Swarm or MinGW to be installed.
  • Faster execution than Cygwin Swarm.

See Swarm_and_MinGW